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  • You Are the Medicine: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection, and Animal Spirit Guidance By Asha Frost

    Indigenous Medicine Woman Asha Frost invites readers to learn the healing medicine of the 13 Ojibway moons and the spirit animals that will guide their wisdom journey.

    The Medicine you have been searching for lives within you. Follow the path of the 13 Ojibwe Moons with Animal Spirits and Ancestors as your guides as you unlock your connection to your own unique, inherent healing power.
    Through storytelling, ceremonies, and Shamanic journeys, learn to apply ancient wisdom to your life in ways that are respectful and conscious of the stolen lands, lives, and traditions of Indigenous peoples.

    Discover how to:

    - Ground and root into your own lineage and meet your Ancestral guides.
    - Practice self-care and rest on your journey.
    - Return to Ancestral ways of cleansing and purifying.
    - Trust and surrender so you can manifest and thrive.
    - Release self-doubt, fear, disconnection, and insecurity.
    “You Are the Medicine is a profound and beautifully written book offered by Indigenous Medicine Woman Asha Frost. With a sensitive lyricism and nuance in her writing she shares stories inspired by her Ojibway ancestry following the lunar calendar of 13 moons. This book reveals how to claim our inherent capacity for healing in all ways. Inviting us to connect to our own ancestral wisdom by sharing hers, she generously and lovingly shows us the way home. A must read for our times.”
    COLETTE BARON-REID, Author and Oracle Creator

    “I have deep respect for Asha Frost and the sacred work she does. In You Are the Medicine, Asha takes us on a journey sharing deep wisdom through mesmerising storytelling and embodied wisdom. Through rituals and sacred journeys she then lovingly guides us to recover the power and beauty of our own ancestral lineages. This beautiful book will breathe life into your soul and reconnect you to the medicine that has always been whispering within.”

    REBECCA CAMPBELL, Best-selling Author, Mystic, Mother

    “There is an unmistakable magic about Asha Frost—she is soft yet strong, fierce yet loving. This book is not only an honouring of sacred ancestry it also shares a tender yet deep respect for the Earth and her medicine while guiding us to authentically own who we are in a way that is in alignment with our roots. This work will initiate great healing and inspire essential change in your life.”

    KYLE GRAY, Best-selling Author of Raise Your Vibration and Angel Prayers

    “This book contains the cure to what ails us in these times: disconnection and having forgotten who we are. Allow yourself to be taken on this transformative journey to remembering who you are, what you came here for, and how to access your power anytime, anywhere, anyplace.”

    KATE NORTHRUP, Best-selling Author of Do Less


    Asha Frost (she/her), is an Indigenous Medicine Woman and a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. As an energy healer, homeopath and mentor, Asha has guided thousands of people through profound and lasting transformation.  She has blended her life experience with her innate gifts and the wisdom of her Ancestors.  She loves sharing her medicine in powerful ways through ceremonies, teachings and speaking events. Asha lives on Anishinaabe, Huron-Wendat and Haudenosaunee Territory, with her husband and two beautiful children, with whom she co-creates a better world for the seven generations to come.