Delicious honey elixir infused with flower essences + Silver Hydrosol. 5 drops, 5 times a day, under the tongue.
MAGNIFIES: Feeling exotic, beautiful & exquisite; discovering beauty in being different; a sense of the profound in the silence; coming out of your shell; setting healthy boundaries; being your fullest and fiercest self; the ability to rest; a sense of freedom; a desire to let loose and embrace everyday magic; creativity & help birthing new ideas; free expression and a liberating energy; fertility and balance within female reproduction.
DISSOLVES: Feeling ‘different’, unusual or not fitting in; aloofness; isolation or shyness; feelings that others are a drain/disturbance on you; worry and go-go-go tension; feeling closed off or hardened; resistance to life itself; self-limiting patterns regarding sensuality & sexuality; trauma from a past sexual abuse; feeling stagnant or shut down.
Enjoy 5 drops sublingually 5 times each day regularly until bottle is finished; or put a dropperful in your water bottle each morning and drink throughout the day.
GET CREATIVE: Morning coffee, party punch, restaurants, water bottle, child’s water or juice, pet’s water, cocktails.
FEEL A DIFFERENCE: Most people feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children over 12 months of age.
PRIDE OF MADEIRA: Feeling accepting of yourself, connected to everything around you, and in awe of the profoundly magical world we live in; helps you discover the beauty in being different.
WILD DELPHINIUM: Being your full fierce self; coming out of your shell; voicing your needs, setting boundaries; capacity to receive others where they’re at.
ICELANDIC VICIA: Ability to rest and be; sense of freedom and openness; desire to let loose + embrace magic.
SQUASH BLOSSOM: Fertility, easeful labor + childbirth, women’s reproductive balance; healthy expression of sensuality and sexuality; prolific creative expression, birthing new ideas.
PINK LOTUS: Wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding.
SAPPHIRE GEM ESSENCE: Self-appreciation whilst magnifying creative and loving expression; encourages a sense of inner optimism and enhances one’s own unique intuition.